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Find the latest news and updates from the library. If you are a reporter working on a news story, please contact the library's public information officer, George Williams via email at or by phone at (202) 727-1184.

Your Library is a Winner!

DC Public Library has been awarded the 2024 National Medal for Museum and Library Service by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The medal is the nation's highest honor, celebrating institutions that make significant and exceptional contributions to their communities. 

New Rosedale Library

DC Public Library is beginning the site inventory process for the construction of a new full-service library to replace the small Rosedale Library to provide expanded service to existing residents.

A Librarian’s Summer TBR Pile

Here are my summer reading choices for 2024, and hopefully one or more will speak to you as well. The first three, I hope to get to in the month of June, the last two I’m hoping to finish in July and August (respectively).